Young Heart


I humbly think if I worry about ageing now, it’s like not appreciating my present time, no?

Not so long ago, like every kid, every teenager, every student, I wanted to become a grownup. I wanted to have control of my life, do as I please, buy things that I like, make money, join the work force, even vote! Not so long ago, I yearned for the moment I become a grownup would come. In my country, there is no specific age like 18 or 21, so there is never a common rule or justification in what age will a kid start to be considered as an adult.

I’ve crossed a hefty number of childhood wants for the past few years. However, in our household, my parents still sees me as a kid. When I went home late from work, my dad went ballistic. Like super ballistic. When I was going for a quick vacation, my father yet again went ballistic. In the latter case, I didn’t directly ask his permission and only notified him. So, making your own money does not mean you can spend it as you wish and violate your curfew. Will share this point of lesson to my kid one day, when I have one. Amen.

If we are talking about physical ageing, I think it’s inevitable. Never thought it isn’t. What we can do is only to live a happy and healthy life so we can age in beauty. I know I sound like a hypocrite and like I’m preaching to the choir, but hey…no surgery for me. That’s just sad.

